Monday, 29 April 2019

Our weekly meal plan! 29th April - 5th May. #MealPlanningMonday

After the disaster which was a couple of weeks ago with the meal planning I am glad to say last weeks meal plan went to plan! We ate everything. I skipped the beans on toast on Thursday and ended up having cereal. That is my go to meal when I don't know what I want and can't be bothered to make anything.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - A roast dinner. Chicken, stuffing and a whole heap of veg.
Tuesday - Chicken stir fry and noodles.
Wednesday - Pork and Bramley apple sausages and wedges.
 Thursday - Quiche Lorraine frittata with baked beans.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Prawn cocktail salad with tomato garlic bread.
Sunday - Chicken & bacon pies, mash & veg.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Mmm, sausages and wedges sound delicious. I am stuck for inspiration at the moment but that sounds ideal. #mmbc

  2. The prawn cocktail salad sounds amazing,Great meal plan x

  3. That frittata sounds delicious!

    Thanks for linking up and have a great week. Sorry if I missed you last week - just seemed to lose track of time!

  4. I've already fallen behind with meal planning thanks to the holiday, I'm hoping to get back on track though and may even plan a little more ahead. I love prawn cocktail, haven't had one for years. So, a quiche lorraine fittata is basically a quiche lorraine without pastry? It sounds interesting, particularly as mine are not keen on pastry anyway.

  5. This sounds like my kind of meal plan. Although I don't eat prawns I know 3 people in my household that would be super happy with a prawn cocktail on the menu!

  6. Your meals always look so delicious! Those sausages sound good and pizza on a Friday is always a winner! x

  7. What a tasty meal plan! The pork and bramley apple sausages sound sooooo good.
    Haha! I snack on cereal too. Eastenders and a bowl of Frosties and I'm anyone's lol!

  8. The frittata sounds a great idea and the sausages sound delicious

  9. Sounds delicious Kim! I think I need to look at doing a stir fry in our house again soon!
