Thursday, 5 July 2018

Fun at Ashington Fayre...

On Sunday we went to our towns street fayre....Last year we had a great day out and this year we were hoping for the same....

It was a gorgeous day here on Sunday....There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining bright. We all got covered in sun cream and off we went. Where the fair was is only about a 15 minutes walk from where we live so it's quite handy.....

We had told the girls that they didn't need to go on the first ride they see and they were quite good. We manged a little walk around before they asked to go on something and it was the bouncy castle thing...

Ellie loses her mind over bouncy things like this and given the chance would spend all day on A little girl came off crying because she didn't like it. She'd only been on about 5 minutes and it was lovely to see the man running it gave her mother her money back. What a sweet thing to do.

Next the girls went on the kids twister ride....They thought it was brilliant.....Stu and I were stood watching and noticed the catering van behind had yorkshire pudding wraps....We were so tempted to get one but we weren't actually that hungry and they looked huge!

We did have room for hot dogs though...hehehe Ellie and I got a hot dog each, Becky had chips and gravy & Stu had a burger....The girls got the slushie drinks which I thought was a bargain at £2 as the bottle is reusable. We got them last year and they still use the bottle now. Now they have 2!

The girls went on a few more rides....Ellie had her first go of a ghost train and was not impressed with the one here....The doors coming out got jammed. It's put her right off ghost trains....

They did have fantastic fun on the bumper car things and in the fun house....

After a few hours we were beaten by the heat....We got candyfloss and an ice cream to eat on the way home....It was a good day out but there wasn't many rides for older kids which was a shame...

It was still a good day though.....When we got home Ellie decided she needed to get the paddling pool out. I wasn't going to argue....We might as well make the most of the sunshine while it's here.....


  1. What a great looking event and how handy to have it so close to home. The girls look so happy in all your photos and video. Those bumper cars look quite unusual but fun, I bet they are handy and portable for the owners to take from one event to another. I don't blame you on the candyfloss, I can never resist it at a fair!

  2. What a fun day out. I remember when you went last year. It's great that you get those reusable bottles with the slushies. They are perfect for using in this hot weather to get the kids to keep drinking their squash/water. Glad you all had a fab time. :) x

  3. Looks like your girls had lots of fun, apart from Ellie being put off the ghost train. I love that photo of Becky and Ellie on the bumper cars - such pure joy captured in that shot. It's definitely been paddling pool weather recently and it sounds like you and your girls have been making the most of the sunshine :-) #countrykids

  4. I havent been here for awhile and your girls have grown! Looks like a lovely day judging by the smiles of your young ladies! #countrykids

  5. Yorkshire pudding wraps sound delicious. I think! What a great day out, no foudo topped off by some wild paddling pool fun #CountryKids

  6. How lucky to have all that so close to your house. And that was wonderful that the man on the bouncy castle gave the lady the money back.

  7. I can certainly understand being put off scary rides. #CountryKids
