Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Top 100 baby names for 2016

I posted the Top 100 baby names for 2014 well in 2014 and it is one of my most viewed posts ever! I thought I would update it....A while ago BabyCentre announced the UK's top 100 boys' and girls' names of 2016.

Space Odyssey and Star Wars have given parents baby name inspiration....Star Wars names Leia, Kylo and Finn have all had a boost.

There's a new trend for superhero names. Kara from Supergirl, Harley and Quinn from Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman's alter ego Diana have all charged up the charts....Felicity from the comic book series Arrow flies into the top 100 after a long absence and Thea from the same series has also gone up thirteen places. 

The top 100 list for boys and girls reveals that more new parents are taking inspiration from the world of celebrity and showbiz for their baby name choices too. 

Although more adventurous names are on the rise when it comes to the top baby names for boys and girls tradition wins over trends. Oliver and Olivia remain the most popular choices with parents.

The highest new entries to the top 100 include Arlo, Ezra, Kai, Jesse and Albie for boys and Mya, Luna, Lexi, Heidi and Lyla for girls.

Top 100 Boys Names.

Top 100 Girls Names.

Looking at the names now Ellie has dropped a couple of places in a couple of years and Rebecca has dropped out of the top 100 :(

I think if I was to have a baby now I would struggle to choose a name....Out of the top 100 I think I would go with Zachary for a boy and Willow for a girl....Willow does make me think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer though. hehehe

Are your children's names in the top 100?


  1. All three of my children are on this list, the little two are in the top 10 Jacob & Sophia and my teen Chloe is in the top 20. I always wanted a girl called Sophia as it was so unusual years ago and now it is so common. If I ever had another ( very unlikely) I have no idea what I would call it xx

  2. So interesting to see how the top 100 changes over time. Both the girls' names are still high up though. Hubby's name is still in the top 100 but mine isn't and nor are any of my siblings' names.

    1. It is very interesting...Louise was such a popular name years ago. When I was in school there was about 3 Louise's in my class & Ellie's middle name is Louise. hehehe

  3. I love this! My daughter is always obsessed by these lists, especially when one of her aunties is pregnant (we've got one now, but at least we know she's having a boy, so we only have to look at one list!).
    It's amazing how trends in names change. My daughter is 10 and even she finds the names of the kids in Reception weird!
    All of my kids' names are in the top 100, although my boys' names are much higher than my daughter's.

    1. hehehe! I remember years ago looking at these type of lists and trying to pick out names...
      There are so strange names now. hehehe

  4. Names do seem to go in cycles. There were 4 of us in my class at junior school with the same name, yet it doesn't feature in top 100 any more. But both my boys are there

    1. It's so interesting....I don't think my name has ever been in the top 100. lol

  5. Interesting list and I don't think I have looked at one since 2005 when I was pregnant with my youngest (she is 87 on the list) and son isn't in the top 100 (Morgan) x
