Friday, 4 December 2015

December! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

December is my favourite month.....There is so much going on and the excitement of Christmas is building as we're counting down the days to the end of the school term (2 weeks today) and then to Christmas!

Our Elf on the shelf arrived this week.....She was here last year and my girls loved seeing what she got up too....Sometimes she was naughty and sometimes she was nice....It will be interesting to see what she gets up to this year....I of course will be sharing eventually....

We haven't got our tree and decorations up yet.....After reading on Twitter and Facebook it feels like I am late this year.....Everyone seems to have theirs up already....I said the first weekend in December so that is what we'll be doing tomorrow.....Well Stu and the girls will be. I just let them get on with it....It is their little job.

I have finished buying presents for the girls....I say this now but will still probably buy more.....I feel so bad. Their piles on Christmas morning will be smaller this year....I have spent the same as I do most years on them in fact thinking about it I have probably spent more but Becky isn't really into real toys anymore....She is more for make up, electricals and things which are smaller but more expensive.....Ellie has got toys but as they were more expensive there is less of them.....I am sure they will be happy with what they have and probably when they see the XBox won't even It will all be about playing Minecraft....I didn't really think it through though....There is going to be arguments when I want to watch TV and they want to play games....

I didn't get my grocery shopping delivery slot for the 23rd of December with Tesco! I stayed up to try and they were all gone by the time I checked at about 5 seconds past midnight! I got one for the 21st which I am not happy about but it will have to do....I am putting a delivery in with Iceland next week to get the meat and party food delivered...We have been emptying the freezer this week to make room for everything!

Over the next few weeks there is the Christmas events at school.....Ellie has started practicing the school play. She is just singing it's down to the year sixes to do the speaking parts....There will be Christmas jumper day, class parties, a carol concert at the church and the Christmas dinner before the end of term.....At Becky's school they don't really do much to celebrate Christmas where the parents are involved....Grr!

Sometime over the next few weeks my dad, his girlfriend Sarah & my great Aunty Jean will be coming to visit....I haven't seen my dad since early in the year so it will be so nice....The girls can't wait....I was chatting to him on the phone the other night and he was saying how all year he has been collecting presents for us so we are very excited...

I'm off to enter some competitions....hehehe Another reason why I love December. The advent competitions! Wish me luck....hehehe

The Reading Residence


  1. For the first time in years I didn't wait up for a Tesco delivery slot! We've decided to do our shopping the old fashioned way this year :)

    1. Eek! Good luck! I don't think I could face the supermarket at christmas.

  2. Wishing you the best of luck with your competitions! Sounds like it's all go, it is a fun month :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I'm not having much luck so far but I will keep
      Thank you!

  3. December does feel more Christmassy than last year doesn't it? Have fun! #wotw

  4. I don't have a shopping slot either, we are having a meat hamper delivered so the rest well have to go and fetch ourselves. I understand how you feel about buying less toys, I have two older kids that reached mid teens before I had more kids and Christmas just wasn't the same. I also missed the school nativity and concerts.

    1. Good luck with the shopping!
      It isn't the same when the kids get older but I guess we will have to make new traditions and memories x

  5. We didn't put our decorations up until today, and the tree will go up tomorrow. It's tradition in our house to wait until the first weekend in December :) I don't have a delivery slot with any supermarket.. I shall grab my trolley and run the gauntlet! Although I already have quite a bit, I've been getting it in advance!

    1. Ours are all up now...We waited until the first weekend in December too :)

  6. Hi Kim, you sound fully in control of December so far, having the majority of the presents bought is a big relief and I think you are the first Mum who takes a step back from putting up the Christmas decorations, I am a pretty easy going person, but a bauble in the wrong place on the tree can turn me into a two headed monster (I am that person who moves baubles when I think no one is looking, but they always notice!).

    Having your Christmas shopping order in must be such a relief, we will head out to do the final food shop probably on the 23rd, dreading it already!


    1. I do actually feel in control at the moment....
      I just let them get on with he tree...I get too bossy! lol
      Good luck with the shopping x

  7. You just reminded me about the delivery slots. As I don't have the pass with them anymore I don't get early access, which I think is a terrible thing and not fair. There was only one slot available on the 21st. I have booked it as it will be madness taking Ethan to the shops that week. I love how much you are looking forward to Christmas. I never knew December would be so busy when you have a little one at school x

    1. Well done for getting the last slot! I would not fancy shopping with little one's this time of year! Thank you!

  8. Wow, how organise d are you, hope you enjoy the rest of the prep and Christmas events X #WOTW

  9. You sound organised and have lots of Christmassy things to look forward to. We love our elf too. If you do write about it, we have an elf linky this month every Thursday. I love reading what all the little elves get up to. x

    1. I will be writing about our elf I will link up :D

  10. This was my word of the week too although you sound so much more in control than I am! I will be one of those harassed people doing my Christmas shop the old fashioned way and getting very stressed lol! #wotw

    1. Eek! Good luck with the shopping! Thank you!
