Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Project Mc2 Ultimate Lab Kit - Review!

Ellie loves doing science experiments at home and recently we were sent the Project Mc2 Ultimate Lab Kit to have a look at.... 

As seen in the Emmy nominated Netflix original series Project Mc2, McKeyla McAlister's Ultimate Lab Kit includes numerous science tools to investigate on their next mission. Conduct your own experiments at home or on the go, just like the girls from Project Mc2. 

The oversized lab bag but unzips to reveal the ultimate collection of science apparatus and fun....I was quite surprised to how much was actually in this set....

There are 30+ pieces including a real working microscope, 3 glass slides, 2 test tubes with stand, funnel, beaker jar, 3 lab flasks, 15 pH strips, pipette dropper, petri dish, safety goggles, Project Mc2 ring and 2 sticker sheets.....

I like once you have opened everything up it can all be put back into the case and stored neatly....Everything has it's place so it is so easy to tidy up...

Ellie first wanted to use the microscope...You need 3 LR44 batteries (the little watch type batteries) but we first used it without and it is pretty good considering it is meant for children....It is a great introduction to what a microscope is and does....

There is a booklet included with about 15 experiments to start you off and they all need things from around the home. There were a couple of random things we didn't have like corn starch and red cabbage but it didn't stop us experimenting.

We then tried to change the colour of a flower....It turns out my baking cupboard wasn't as well stocked as I thought it was and I only had red food colouring instead of the 4 different colours needed...

You fill the conical flask with water and add food colouring. The flower sucks up the mixture and it should change colour....We tried it with a rose and it slightly changed colour to a very pale pink. It was very interesting.

We have so much more to do with this set....It has already given Ellie hours of fun. She has had fun mixing random things in the test tubes and looking at so much under the microscope....

The Project Mc2 Ultimate Lab Kit costs £19.99 from Smyths and I would say it is well worth the price....You get so much in this kit, it's educational and a lot of fun!

We were sent the Project Mc2 Ultimate Lab Kit free of charge in exchange for this blog post.


  1. Olivia would love this. She has tried a few of the experiments that come with the dolls and loved
    them. This is right up her street

  2. my son loves these kind of kits. In fact he thinks nothing of just walking around the house (and out!) in his science goggles and just looking for ways to explore things!

  3. Staining flowers is a favourite here, love the little kit you get #TriedTested

  4. This sounds really interesting. My girls are not into mc2 but I like the idea of doing all those experiments.

  5. Oh my gosh this is amazing, my eldest would love this as he loves Science at school X #mmbc

  6. Just watched it in action. We love that it folds away for easy storage! What a great set x #TriedTested

  7. This looks like a great kit! We've done the flower experiments too but found that the only colour that really worked well was blue.

