Saturday, 19 December 2015

Project 365 - Week 51

It has been quite a busy week this week but now we can relax a little....The kids have broken up from school and we're just about ready for Christmas.....I am so excited!!

Anyway on with a Project 365 and a photo everyday for a year!

346/365 12th December 2015
They were never going to last until Christmas were

347/365 13th December 2015
Such a cutie....Invaded my bed again....

348/365 14th December 2015
I could have done without my computer playing up on a Monday morning....It was nothing in the end. Did the scan thing and then restarted....Grr!

349/365 15th December 2015
Ellie's school party day!

350/365 16th December 2015
Becky's little present off her boyfriend....So cute!
351/365 17th December 2015
Christmas jumper day for Becky!

352/365 18th December 2015
Elf on the shelf fun!


  1. I cannot wait for some lazy mornings now the kids have finished school! Lovely pictures, wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year x #project365

  2. Glad the computer wasn't terminal, cute Christmas jumper #365

  3. What a lovely present from Becky's boyfriend :) Very cute photo of Ellie asleep.
    How you have a lovely Christmas.
