Monday, 9 February 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan nearly went to plan.....There was only a change on Saturday when we have Fajitas instead of Hot dogs....They have been bumped to this week....

This week is going to be strange for me.....Stu is going to be cooking our evening meal each night. He has the week off work.....Using up the last of his holidays! I can't wait....I asked him what he had planned and he hadn't even thought about it....I made him plan the week out but I'm not hopeful of him sticking to it....I personally think it's a bit meaty but I'm not cooking so who

 This week on the menu we have: 

Monday - Hot dogs in buns....
Tuesday -
Chicken and rice....
Wednesday -
Pork and apple sausages and wedges
Thursday - Corned beef, mash & beans....
Friday - Fish & chips....
Saturday - Valentines day! We're not too sure what we're doing yet..... 
Sunday - Roast chicken, mash & veg....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Sounds delicious! I shouldn't read meal plans on a Monday morning when lunch is an hour away - so hungry already!!

    1. I always make sure to read them after tea....hehehe x

  2. Lovely week planned, jealous of the fish and chips!

  3. Looks tasty, enjoy a week off :) xx

  4. Haha i'm not sure I could hand over control for a whole week! Sounds like the same dinners my husband would choose though. Enjoy your weekend off from cooking x

    1. I'm actually finding it hard but enjoying it at the same time x

  5. Lol at men and their meat eh?? Enjoy your week off cooking!!

  6. Enjoy a week off cooking. Not sure I'd be able to stay away! I look forward to hearing how the week went x

  7. What a treat, enjoy! x
